I will be out of town all of March, so Colleen has agreed to run another tournament! The last one was a big success and we look forward to having you all come out again. We have decided to hold over 20% of each Monthly tournament, so that we can have a main event tournament at the end of the year. Should be a pretty big tournament with holding the 20% plus the add from the bar!

Congratulations to all the winners! Well played by everyone
1st Tournament
1st - Curtis Shorette/Jason Wells = $110/110
2nd - Derrek Singley/Chuck Klingamen = $60/60
3rd - Mike Crawford/Rob L = $40/40
4th - Carmean Singley/Dennis Conti = $20/20
5th - Leah/John S. = $10/10
6th - Scott W/Jack = $10/10
2nd Tournament
1st - Curtis Shorette/Derrek Singley = $100/100
2nd - Shannyn Schoch/Rob L = $70/70
3rd - Chuck Klingamen/Dave = $40/40
4th - Colleen Eldredge/Jason Wells = $20/20
5th - Pete/Ken Grabey = $10/10
6th - Jamie Dombrowski/Mike Crawford = $10/10
3rd Tournament
1st - Derrek Singley/Brandon Gebhart = $70/70
2nd - Chuck Klingamen/Bob Ski = $30/30
3rd - Shannyn Schoch/Jason Wells = $15/15
Congratulations to Curtis Shorette for hitting 1 out of 3 in the Triples Pot draw and winning $130
A total of $235 was held over for the Main event tournament at the end of the year. Which included $200 from the ADD in and $35 from 50/50 sales.
You MUST play in 10 tournaments in order to play in the Main event at the end of the year
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