Remember you MUST play in 10 Tournaments in order to qualify for the Main event at the end of the year

I was really happy to see everyone at this past tournament. I haven't been home in awhile, so it was good to hang out with everyone. I am extremely thrilled that Josh, Billy, and Doug drove down from NY to join us. We showed them how we party it up in hicktown! Jamie celebrated her 32nd birthday Saturday night also and the girls seemed to have a GREAT time. Glad everyone had a good time.
Congratulations to all the winners! Well played by everyone
1st Tournament
1st - Johnny K/Allen Johnson = $125/125
2nd - Derrek Singley/Jason Bedio = $80/80
3rd - Billy Nolder/Charles Klingamen = $50/50
4th - Chuck Klingamen/Scotty Wilcox = $30/30
5th - Josh Irwin/Tiffany Miller = $10/10
6th - Scott W/Jack = $10/10
2nd Tournament
1st - Curtis Shorette/Johnny K = $110/110
2nd - Derrek Singley/Norton Weikel = $80/80
3rd - Jennifer Weikel/Mark Rohlfing = $50/50
4th - Josh Irwin/T.J. Rohlfing = $30/30
3rd Tournament
1st - Josh Irwin/Mark Rohlfing = $70/70
2nd - Johnny K/Adam = $30/30
A total of $250 was held over for the Main event tournament at the end of the year. Which included $200 from the ADD in and $50 from 50/50 sales. There is $490.00 already for the end of the year tournament!
You MUST play in 10 tournaments in order to play in the Main event at the end of the year
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